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Women in Academia: Gender Inequalities and Violence

Menara Lube Guizardi presents her research on the experiences of gender inequality and violence faced by female researchers in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

Image may contain: Necklace, Forehead, Nose, Smile, Cheek.

Menara Lube Guizardi is a Social Anthropologist at Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM) i Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

She is invited to present a lecture based on her research project “Women in Academia: Gender Inequalities and Violence in the Social Sciences of Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico”. 

This project develops a comparative study on the experiences of gender inequality and violence faced by female researchers and/or professors of social sciences in scientific and university teaching institutions of Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. It aims to understand the economic, hierarchical-institutional, and/or political disadvantages these women face, and the reproduction of stereotypes, symbolism and patriarchal moralities that marginalize them. It also investigates their personal and political-community strategies to respond to these problems.

The lecture is in English and open to everyone to attend. 



Picture of Ronald Mayora Synnes
+47 38 14 24 35


Published May 14, 2024 1:32 PM - Last modified May 15, 2024 2:46 PM