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More relevant than ever

Most sectors of society are affected by developments in Brussels. EU competence is more relevant than ever.

Helene Tofte

Director, Norwegian Shipowners' Association

Name: Helene Tofte
Country: Norway
Current work situation: Director, Norwegian Shipowners' Association

2003-student at The European Integration Summer School

- I was a Summer School student in 2003, and the studies were part of my Cand.mag. degree. I experienced the studies as academically challenging and very interesting. We had lecturers from different institutions from different countries, as a student it felt like a small part of Europe came to Kristiansand – it was very inspiring.

What do you remember the most from the Summer School?

The unity of the group and our interesting discussions!

What significance did the study have for your further interests and career choices?

The program was very important for my further career. After the summer school, I decided to take a master's degree in European studies in the UK and after that I ended up working with EU affairs in Brussels for several years.

What are your thoughts today about the competence that this program represents?

Most sectors of society are affected by developments in Brussels. 2019 brought with it a new political leadership in Brussels with high ambitions in a number of areas that will affect us here in Norway. This shows that EU competence is more relevant than ever. For my own part, I have had great use of my EU expertise. Following EU policy development is still an important part of my daily work.