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Munkvold med årets beste artikkel i tidsskriftet IJeC

Professor Bjørn Erik Munkvold ved Institutt for informasjonssystemer har skrevet "Årets artikkel" i det vitenskapelige tidsskriftet  IJeC (International Journal of e-Collaboration). Artikkelen er skrevet sammen med førsteamanuensis Christoph Merschbrock ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA).

Artikkelen er mer enn to år gammel, og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

Professor Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Institutt for informasjonssystemer (IS)

Professor Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Institutt for informasjonssystemer (IS)

Det internasjonale, vitenskapelige tidsskriftet IJeC (International Journal of e-Collaboration) har kåret den vitenskapelige artikkelen «How is Building Information Modeling Influenced by Project Complexity?: A Cross-Case Analysis of e-Collaboration Performance in Building Construction» til beste artikkel publisert I  IJeC  i  2014, skriver HiOA på sine nettsider.

I den vitenskapelige artikkelen ser Merschbrock og Munkvold på digital samhandling ved bygningsinformasjonsmodellering (BIM) i to norske byggeprosjekter.

Engelsk sammendrag av artikkelen:

«Virtual design and construction of buildings and architectural spaces require extensive collaboration among a diverse set of design professionals. The authors analyze e-collaboration performance in two construction projects of differing complexity, to gain an understanding of how collaborative design based on building information modeling (BIM) is influenced by the complexity of the building project. The findings suggest that the perceived business value of BIM depends on project complexity and that BIM-based collaboration does not yield unconditional positive implications for all types of construction projects. The authors argue that current practice would benefit from a more structured approach to building business cases for e-collaboration, comprising the following aspects: 1) a thorough assessment of BIM's potential benefits based on the complexity of the project; 2) an assessment of all designers' collaborative BIM capabilities and maturity; 3) a reliable cost estimate for full-scale BIM e-collaboration; and 4) a cost benefit analysis to identify the business value of BIM-based e-collaboration. In addition, a systematic approach to collaboration engineering would be required to develop e-collaboration environments customized for the information needs of a specific project.»

Se tidsskriftet IJeCs liste over vinnere fra 2005-2014: