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Strømsparing i trådløse nett

Lakshmikanth Guntupalli disputerer 30. september 2016 med avhandlingen "Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: Transmission Protocols and Performance Evaluation" (Foto: Privat)

- Bearing the advantages of small size, low cost and battery powered operations, Wireless sensor networks are going to play a vital role in building a connected and smart society based on the Internet of things.

Lakshmikanth Guntupalli


Lakshmikanth Guntupalli disputerer for ph.d.-graden med en avhandling der han har analysert modeller for strømsparing for eksempel når trådløse sensorer sender data til sentralen – eller når kjøleskapet kommuniserer med en app på mobilen din - tingenes internett. Høy effektivitet i prosedyren for datasending sparer strøm.

Lakshmikanth Guntupalli disputerer for ph.d.-graden fredag 30. september 2016. Han har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, med spesialisering i IKT. Doktorgradsavhandlingen har tittelen:  «Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: Transmission Protocols and Performance Evaluation».

Les også artikkel på uia.no: Økt levetid for smartløsninger

Slik beskriver kandidaten selv essensen i avhandlingen:

Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: Transmission Protocols and Performance Evaluation

Nowadays green communication is a popular topic targeting at reducing energy consumption in various wired and wireless technologies including wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and Internet of things (IoT).

WSNs support many applications such as environment monitoring, target tracking and anomaly detection. Furthermore, bearing the advantages of small size, low cost and battery powered operations, WSNs are going to play a vital role in building a connected and smart society based on the IoT.

Generally in WSNs, wireless nodes sense data from a sensing field and transmit it to a data collection center where the data is analyzed in order to take an action. Obviously, energy consumption in transmitting and receiving data is inevitable.

Furthermore, in order to guarantee a successful transmission and reception, some extra operations are required to perform data transmissions. This overhead also consumes energy which should be minimized for achieving higher energy efficiency and longer network operational lifetime. This extra overhead appears at all layers of communication.

Thesis focuses at MAC-layer

However, this thesis research work focuses primarily on the energy efficiency at the medium access control (MAC) layer.

The dissertation proposes energy efficient MAC protocols with minimum idle listening by sensor nodes in a WSN.

Two protocols for achieving equal or almost equal energy consumption rates at all nodes in the WSN are proposed, one as an asynchronous communication protocol and the other one as a synchronous communication protocol.

Furthermore, an event-triggered sleeping mechanism based on incoming traffic for nodes in WSN is proposed. According to this sleeping mechanism, only the nodes which have packets to send participate in communication while the other nodes are sleeping.

Moreover, aggregated packet transmission is adopted in synchronous MAC protocols for achieving higher energy efficiency. For performance assessment, mathematical models with high accuracy are developed to analyze the performance of the proposed protocols and mechanisms.


Kandidaten: Lakshmikanth Guntupalli received the B.Tech. degree in electronics and communications engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India, in 2005 and the M.E. degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering from S. G. S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, India, in 2008. His Ph.D. study was performed at the Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder (UiA), Norway. His research interests include the areas of green wireless communications, wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things (IoT), mobile ad hoc networks, optimization and performance evaluation of communication protocols and networks, graph signal processing in wireless networks and data analytics.

Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted i Rom C2 040, Campus Grimstad.

Assisterende instituttleder ved Institutt for IKT, Morgan Konnestad, leder disputasen.

Tid for prøveforelesning: Fredag 30. september 2016 kl 10:00

Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning: "Power consumption in IP-based wired and wireless networks with an end-to-end approach".

Tid for disputas:Fredag 30. september 2016 kl 12:00

Tittel på avhandling: «Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: Transmission Protocols and Performance Evaluation».

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.


Førsteopponent: Senior Professor Ulf Körner, Lund University

Annenopponent: Associate Professor Albert Banchs, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av Associate Professor Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi, UiA

Veiledere i doktorgradsarbeidet var professor Frank Li (hovedveileder) og professor Jorge Martinez-Bauset,  Universitat Politècnica de València, (bi-veileder).