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Implikasjoner ved regnskaps- og revisjonsregler

Joseph Akadeagre Agana of the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder has submitted his thesis entitled «Essays on Implications of accounting and audit regulations» and will defend the thesis for the PhD-degree Thursday 24 June 2021. (Photo: Private)

In this dissertation, I examined questions relating to the impact of accounting and audit regulations on audit fees, accounting quality and auditors use of experts.

Joseph Akadeagre Agana


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Joseph Akadeagre Agana fra Handelshøyskolen ved UiA disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen «Essays on Implications of accounting and audit regulations» torsdag 24. juni 2021. 

Han har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Handelshøyskolen ved UiA.

Slik oppsummerer Joseph Akadeagre Agana selv avhandlingen:

Implications of accounting and audit regulations

Regulations in all forms are often thought to be in the public interest and thus the associated benefits and costs are often not properly scrutinized.

In this dissertation, I examined questions relating to the impact of accounting and audit regulations on audit fees, accounting quality and auditors use of experts. The results show the following:

  • There are disadvantages of regulation like increased audit costs which are often borne by companies and passed along to their owners.
  • Regulations impact the relative importance of the auditor and company characteristics underlying audit pricing such that client attributes including governance, and the structure of audit engagements are noted to be increasingly more important than auditor characteristics in the pricing of external audit.
  • Although the requirement for companies to use international accounting standards is intended to enhance accounting quality, the results show the contrary.
  • Notwithstanding the above, companies operating in countries where international accounting standards are not modified produced relatively good accounting numbers and reported losses on a timely basis without delay. 
  •  Modification of international accounting standards to fit national context leads to better association between accounting numbers and market values. 
  • Auditors demonstrate greater diligence in audit areas typically associated with high risk and complex judgment by consulting experts. They are more likely to do so if they are perceived to be leaders in the industry, if audit fees are high and if the audit is very risky.

Overall, while accounting and audit regulations are generally vital due to their focus on enhancing transparency and reporting quality, evidence of the unintended consequences and the marginal benefits arising from these regulations imply a more nuanced approach is required in the implementation of accounting and audit regulations.


Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted digitalt i konferanseprogrammet Zoom (lenke under).

Disputasen blir ledet av instituttleder Bjørn-Tore Flåten, Institutt for strategi og ledelse, Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder.

Prøveforelesning kl 11:00

Disputas kl 12:00


Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning«On the migration of international accounting standards into developing economies»

Tittel på avhandling«Essays on Implications of accounting and audit regulations»

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her:


Papers I-III were excluded from the dissertation until they will be published.

Full tekst:


KandidatenJoseph Akadeagre Agana (1987, Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana). Bachelor- og mastergrad fra Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi-Ghana. Arbeider I dag som foreleser ved Department of accounting and finance, KNUST-Ghana.


Førsteopponent: Professor Minna Martikainen, University of Vaasa, Finland

Annenopponent: Førsteamanuensis Cardamine Carmen Estrella Olsen, Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av professor Lars Oxelheim, Universitetet i Agder

Veileder i doktorgradsarbeidet var professor Anna Alon, UiA

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Disputasleder inviterer til spørsmål ex auditorio i innledningen i disputasen, med tidsfrister. Disputasleders e-post er tilgjengelig i chat-funksjonen under disputasen. Spørsmål om ex auditorio kan sendes til disputasleder Bjørn-Tore Flåten på e-post bjorn-tore.flaten@uia.no