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Serious consequences if you cheat at exams

You can talk together and cooperate in the run up to exams, but once the examination paper has been handed out, you are on your own and have to do everything by yourself”, says Ragnhild Skomedal, senior adviser and legal adviser in the Division of Student and Academic Affairs at UiA.

This article is more than two years old, and may contain outdated information.

Hjemmeeksamen (Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox)

Exam at home (Illustration: Colourbox) 

Senior adviser Ragnhild Klungreseth Skomedal

Senior adviser Ragnhild Klungreseth Skomedal

The Division of Student and Academic Affairs wants to remind you of the examination regulations since many on-campus exams have been converted to home exams.

“When you sit an exam on campus, it is obvious that you cannot cooperate, look for help on the internet or use other sources. Whereas when you sit at home, internet is available, and it is easy to think you can discuss and ask others for help. But that is not allowed”, says Skomedal and refers to UiA’s general guidelines for home exams that last one day.

  • Your answer should be independent work. Communication with other students regarding the assignment, distribution of the assignment text or solution drafts is not allowed.
  • In the text you have to cite sources as usual, both when quoting directly and when restating the meaning of a text in your own words (paraphrasing). Check our website.
  • A reference list is not required.
  • All answers will be checked for plagiarism.

Serious consequences

“UiA takes cheating very seriously, and all suspicious cases are investigated by the Division of Student and Academic Affairs at UiA, and a separate Appeals Committee makes the final decision. Cheating could result in the annulment of your exam. In addition, you may be suspended from the University for up to one year. During the time of suspension, you also lose the right to take exams at Norwegian universities and university colleges”, Skomedal says. She investigates all suspicions of cheating and is secretary of the Appeals Committee.

Even though the rules are strict, it is clear that many people are not aware of them and are surprised by the serious consequences.

“Many of those caught for cheating are shocked by the consequences they face. So, we have to make sure people are aware, and we recommend that everyone reads the exam website carefully at uia.no”, says Skomedal.