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Will work for a trust reform

I want to contribute to a 'trust reform' - whether this is initiated by the ministry, or we start our own reform at UiA.

Tormod Wallem Anundsen

Associate Professor, Department of Classical Music and Music Education.

Why are you running for this election?

An important reason for me to run for the election is that I want to contribute to a 'trust reform' – whether this is initiated by the ministry, or we start our own reform at UiA. I sense that there is now a willingness both in management and politics to view public employees as professionals, that is, that we basically know what we are doing and how the job can best be done.

However, we must also direct critical attention towards reforms and systems that apply positive terms such as 'quality', 'knowledge' or 'trust'. No one opposes quality, knowledge or trust as such, the question is rather what ideas these systems carry with them, and which realities they create.

What are the 3 most important issues you want to focus on?

1: A trust reform. Like many of those who advocate for a trust reform, I find that much of the reporting done is either superfluous or does not focus on things that actually help us do our job better. I want to contribute to UiA as an institution that is constantly evolving, by identifying what we actually want to improve, how we can succeed with that, and then consider routines and systems based on that.

2: Conditions and framework: I want to focus on how the quality of our institution to a large extent grows from below; from teaching, research, and all the daily hard work that takes place among our staff and students. One of the things I like most about working at UiA is to collaborate with colleagues and students across disciplines and faculties. There is so much creativity and ability, and a high level of reflection and willingness to think outside the box throughout the entire organisation! I think this should also be the premise for the work of the board and our management, so that that we create the best possible conditions and framework for our employees and students to succeed with what they do.

3: Diversity: We live in a society of increasing diversity, such as in terms of ethnicity, culture, language, sexual orientation, functional level, etc. I will work to ensure that UiA reflects this in a good way. By 'a good way' I mean that we must go further than just 'ticking off' which groups are represented among our students and staff. Representation is important, but diversity is not just the responsibility of some 'diverse' groups or individuals. It is everyone's concern to make sure perspectives of diversity are taken into account throughout the organisation, not least by listening to and appreciating different experiences. I want diversity to be an integral part of what we are and do as a university.

What qualities/skills do you have that make you a good candidate for this role?

One of the colleagues who nominated me justified it by saying that I am analytical and critical, and also constructive and solution-oriented, and well prepared for meetings. If I am to be a little bold, I can recognise myself in that description. I also like to think that I am collaborative and avoid traditional group antagonisms - such as seeing management versus employees, or academic versus administrative staff, or students versus teachers. For me, critical awareness is not a question of who, but what: What ideas are our activities based on? Where do those ideas come from? What do they lead to when they are put into practice?

Continuing the list of qualifications, I still learn so much from working as a supervisor for students, both at bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD level, and from collaborating with colleagues from different disciplines. I bring the curious investigation and joy of learning from each other into the boards and working groups that I am part of.

Some facts about me:


• 2014: PhD in humanities with specialisation in musicology, University of Oslo

• 2001: University and College Pedagogy, University of Agder

• 1996: Cand.philol. in music, University of Oslo

• 1993: Practical Pedagogical Education, University of Oslo

• 1993: Cand.mag. in music, Christian studies, dance and ex.phil. UiO / OLH / BLH / MRDH

Work experience:

• 2013 - present: Associate Professor of Music, University of Agder, Department of Classical Music and Music Education.

• 2009 - 2013: Assistant Professor, University of Agder

• 2006 - 2009: PhD Research Fellow, University of Agder

• 1997 - 2006: Assistant Professor, music, Agder University College

• 1996 - 1997: Secondary education teacher, Vågsbygd upper secondary school

Project and programme management, including:

• 2003 - 2006: Head of Studies, Department of Music Education

• 2011 - 2018: Programme Coordinator, Master of Fine Arts

• 2016 - 2017: Art as education / Education as art: Teaching-based research and development, University of Agder

• 2017 - 2019: Ethnography as artistic research (DIKU)

• 2019 - 2022: Encounters - Through ethnography, art and pedagogy. Erasmus+ strategic partnership (EU)

Other/previous board experience:

At faculty level:

• Current: faculty board (deputy), internationalisation committee and research committee

• Previous: programme coordination and department management

At UiA:

• Current: working group on the action plan for internationalisation

• Previous: active in various reference groups and working committees at UiA over the years