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20. juni - 25. juni 2022
kl 08:00 - 12:00

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Kristiansand and Hovden, Agder Region of Southern Norway


30. april kl 23:59

9th International Adventure Therapy Conference

Welcome to the University of Agder!


20 juni - 25 juni
kl 08:00 - 12:00

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Kristiansand and Hovden, Agder Region of Southern Norway


30 april

The two first days will consist of plenary sessions and concurrent workshops taking place indoors at the University and outdoors in nearby green areas. Monday night, you are all invited to spend the evening together at Odderøya Island where we will enjoy a conference dinner, an art walk, a historic tour of the island, and a concert in the Haubitz Barn.

On Wednesday morning, we depart from our first conference “camp” in Kristiansand and journey together through the Setesdal Valley. En route to our second conference “camp” in the mountain village of Hovden, participants can choose between a variety of outdoor activities.

Thursday and Friday comprise another two conference days with plenary sessions and concurrent workshops taking place indoors and outdoors. Thursday night, we will join the local traditional Midsummer night’s celebrations, whilst Friday we venture atop the mountain Nos for a memorable gathering on our last evening together.

Saturday the 25th of June, we gather for our closing ceremony. There will be shuttles back to Kristiansand and Kjevik airport from 11:00 AM.